Altec Lansing 101 AM/FM tuner/preamp data w/schematic
Altec Lansing 101B AM/FM tuner/preamp data w/schematic
AMI Model C Jukebox amplifier schematic - see Wade's Audio and Tube pages
Antique Sound Lab AQ1002 50W stereo amplifier schematic
Asco RV II stereo amplifier schematic
AudioNote Ankoru amplifier schematic
AudioNote Conquest amplifier schematic
AudioNote Kit 1 stereo amplifier, power supply schematics
AudioNote M7 preamp schematic
AudioNote M-10 preamp schematic
AudioNote NEIRO SE amp schematic
AudioNote 211S SE amp schematic
AudioNote 211S2 "Ongaku" SE amp schematic
AudioNote P3 stereo amplifier schematic
AudioNote P4 stereo amplifier schematic
AudioNote Quest amplifier schematic
Audio Research Classic 30 power amplifier schematic
Audio Research D40 power amplifier schematic (one channel)
Audio Research LS22 stereo preamp schematic
Audio Research VT100 power amplifier schematic (one channel)
Audio Research VT130 power amplifier schematic
Avantic power amplifer schematic, parts list
Bell 2145A integrated amplifier schematic
Berning EA-230 power amplifier schematic
Berning Siegfried amplifer, power supply schematics
Bogen R-701 AM/FM tuner schematic
Brimar VA12 power amplifier schematic
Brook 10C3 power amplifier schematic
Brook 12A power amplifier schematic
Browning L-300 FM tuner schematic
Conrad-Johnson MV-75 amplifier schematic
Conrad-Johnson PV-2 preamp schematic
Conrad-johnson PV-3 preamp schematic
Conrad-Johnson PV-5 preamp schematic, parts list
Conrad-Johnson PV-6 preamp schematic, parts list
Conrad-Johnson PV-10 preamp schematic, parts list
Conrad-johnson PV-12 preamp schematic
David Berning EA-230 stereo power amp schematic and notes
David Berning EA-2100 stereo power amp schematic and notes
David Berning EA-2101 stereo power amp schematic and notes
David Berning EA2-150B stereo power amp schematic and notes
David Berning P-1 preamplifier schematic and notes
David Berning TF-10 stereo preamp schematic and notes
David Berning TF-12 stereo preamp schematic and notes
Dynaco FM-3 stereo FM tuner schematic p.1, p.2, alignment info p.1, p.2, p.3, p.4
Dynaco Mark II amplifier schematic
Dynaco Mark III amplifier schematic, manual w/schematic
Dynaco PAM-1 preamp schematic
Dynaco PAS2/3 stereo preamp manual w/schematic
Dynaco PAS-4 stereo preamp schematic p.1, schematic p.2, users manual (zip file)
Dynaco SCA-35 stereo integrated amplifier schematic page 1, page 2
Dynaco ST-35 stereo power amplifier schematic
Dynaco Stereo 70 amplifier manual w/schematic
Dynaco Stereo 70 Series II amplifier manual w/schematic
for a collection of EICO audio schematics, see
EICO HF-81 integrated amplifier links, including schematic
EICO HFT-94 AM tuner schematic
EICO MX-99 stereo multiplex adaptor manual w/schematic
Electrohome PA-100 Mk I amplifier schematic
Electro-Voice A-30 "Circlotron" power amplifier manual w/schematic: early version, late version
Electro-Voice 12TRXB "3-Way" coaxial speaker engineering data
Fisher 55-A power amplifier schematic (sorry for no component values)
Fisher FM-100B FM stereo tuner schematic
Fisher 202-R AM/FM tuner manual w/schematic
Fisher 400-CX stereo preamp schematic
Fisher 500-B stereo receiver service manual
Fisher 500-C stereo receiver schematic
Fisher 800-B stereo receiver schematic p.1, p.2
Fisher FM-1000 FM stereo tuner manual w/schematic
Fisher SA-16 stereo amplifer schematic (redrawn by Sheldon, SDS Labs)
Fisher X-100-A stereo integrated amplifier schematic p.1, p.2
Fisher X-101-C stereo integrated amplifier service manual w/schematic p.1, p.2, p.3, p.4, p.5, p.6
Fisher X-202-B stereo integrated amplifier service manual w/schematic p.1, p.2, p.3, p.4, p.5, p.6, p.7
Fourier Components Sans Pareil Mark I OTL power amplifier schematic P.1, P2
Fourier Components Sans Pareil Mark III OTL power amplifier schematic, discussion
Futterman OTL-1 power amplifier (w/o power supply) schematic
Futterman OTL-3 power amplifier schematic
Golden Tube Audio SI-50 "power module" schematic
Grant G60AMS amplifier schematic
Grommes 211 preamp schematic
Grommes 216BA amplifier schematic
Grommes 230BA amplifier schematic
Grommes 260A amplifier schematic
Gromme-Precision-Frazier F-106C schematic - see Wade's Audio and Tube pages
Grundig Majestic MS60a power amp schematic - see Wade's Audio and Tube pages
Grundig NF 1 stereo amplifier schematic
H.H. Scott "Exeter" console stereo schematics and service info
H.H. Scott LC-21 stereo preamp schematic
H.H. Scott LK-48B stereo integrated amplifier schematic
H.H. Scott LK-72A stereo integrated amplifier schematic
H.H. Scott LK-72B stereo integrated amplifier schematic
H.H. Scott LT-10 FM stereo tuner schematic
H.H. Scott LT-110 FM stereo tuner schematic
H.H. Scott 99-B integrated amplifier schematic
H.H. Scott 112-B Dynaural preamp schematic
H.H. Scott 114-A Dynaural Noise Supressor schematic
H.H. Scott 120-A Equalizer preamp schematic
H.H. Scott 120-CP Equalizer preamp schematic
H.H. Scott 121 Equalizer preamp schematic
H.H. Scott 130 preamp manual
H.H. Scott 210D integrated amplifier schematic
H.H. Scott 222A stereo integrated amplifier schematic
H.H. Scott 222B stereo integrated amplifier service bulletin w/schematic
H.H. Scott 222C stereo integrated amplifier service bulletin w/schematic
H.H. Scott 222D stereo integrated amplifier schematic
H.H. Scott 250 amplifier schematic
H.H. Scott 296 stereo integrated amplifier schematic, Owners Guide
H.H. Scott 299-A stereo integrated amplifier schematic
H.H. Scott 299-C stereo integrated amplifier schematic p.1, p.2
H.H. Scott 299-D (early) stereo integrated amplifier schematic
H.H. Scott 299-D (late) stereo integrated amplifier schematic
H.H. Scott 310-D FM tuner schematic p.1, p.2, service notes p.1, p.2, p. 3, layout
H.H. Scott 310E FM stereo tuner service bulletin w/schematic
H.H. Scott 330 AM-FM Tuner schematic
H.H. Scott 330-C AM-FM Tuner service bulletin w/schematic
H.H. Scott 333-A FM Stereo Tuner schematic
H.H. Scott 335/LM-35 stereo multiplex adapter schematic
H.H. Scott 340A Stereo receiver service bulletin w/schematic
H.H. Scott 350B FM stereo tuner schematic
H.H. Scott 350C FM stereo tuner schematic
H.H. Scott 370B FM stereo tuner service bulletin w/schematic
H.H. Scott 380 stereo integrated amplifier schematic
H.H. Scott 4310 FM stereo tuner schematic p.1, p.2
Harmon-Kardon A224 stereo amplifier schematic - see Wade's Audio and Tube pages
Harmon-Kardon A250 integrated stereo amplifier schematic

Harmon-Kardon A500 stereo amplifier schematic p.1, schematic p. 2
Harmon-Kardon A700 stereo amplifier schematic
Harmon-Kardon Citation 1 stereo preamp schematic
Harmon-Kardon Citation 2 stereo power amplifier schematic p.1, schematic p.2
Harmon-Kardon Citation III FM tuner schematic
Harmon-Kardon Citation III(X) FM tuner schematic
for more Heathkit schematics, see:
Heathkit AJ-1600 FM Stereo tuner schematic
Heathkit AR-15 AM/FM Stereo receiver schematic
Heathkit AR-29 AM/FM Stereo receiver schematic
Heathkit PT-1 AM/FM tuner schematic
Heathkit W3-M Williamson amplifier assembly manual w/schematic
Heathkit W3A-M Williamson amplifier assembly manual w/schematic
Heathkit W5-M Williamson amplifier assembly manual w/schematic
Heathkit W7-M Williamson amplifier schematic
Heathkit WA-P2 "gold" preamp schematic - see Wade's Audio and Tube pages
Heathkit XO-1 electronic crossover schematic
Jadis JA-80 power amplifier schematic
Jolida SJ-502/302 integrated stereo amplifier schematic
Jolida SJ-502/302 power amp schematic
Kenwood KW-55U AM/FM Stereo Receiver schematic
Knight 38K145 "Linear Deluxe" amplifier schematic
Knight KB85 stereo integrated amp schematic p.1, p.2, p.3
Lafayette KT-600 stereo preamp schematic
Lafayette LA-215 stereo receiver schematic
Leak RC/PA/U preamp schematic
Leak preamp version 1 (Varislope mono) schematic
Leak preamp version 2 (Varislope stereo) schematic
Leak preamp version 3 schematic
Leak preamp version 4 schematic
Leak Stereo 20 stereo power amplifier schematic
Leak Stereo 30 integrated stereo power amplifier schematic
Leak Stereo 30 Plus integrated stereo power amplifier schematic
Leak Stereo 50 stereo power amplifier schematic
Leak Stereo 60 stereo power amplifier schematic
Leak Stereo 70 integrated stereo power amplifier schematic
Leak TL/10 power amplifier schematic
Leak TL/12 power amplifier detailed information
Leak TL/12 Plus power amplifier schematic
Leak TL/25A power amplifier schematic
Leak TL/25 Plus power amplifier schematic
Leak TL/50 Plus power amplifier schematic
Leak T.R.F. AM tuner schematic
Leak Trough-Line 2 FM tuner schematic
Leak Trough-Line Stereo FM tuner schematic
Leak V.S. AM tuner schematic
Leslie 147 power amp schematic
Lowther LL 26 power amplifier schematic
Luxman L410 / L430 service manual.
Luxman L-510 /L530 service manual.
Luxman M-117 service manual.
Masco Custom-Ten integrated amplifier schematic
Marantz 1 (Consolette) preamp schematic
Marantz 2 power amplifier schematic
Marantz 3 electronic cross-over manual w/schematic
Marantz 5 power amplifier user manual w/schematic
Marantz 7T stereo preamp (transistorized) schematic
Marantz 8 stereo power amplifier schematic
Marantz 9 power amplifier schematic
Marantz 10B FM tuner User Manual (not technical)
Marantz 2015 service manual.
Marantz 2230 service manual.
Marantz 2270 service manual.
Marantz 2275 service manual.
Marantz 4240 schematic.
Marantz 4240 service manual.
Marantz T1 P-P 845 power amp schematic (Russian site)
Meissner 9-1091 AM/FM tuner schematic
McIntosh 50W1 amplifier schematic
McIntosh C-8 preamp (early) schematic
McIntosh C-8 preamp (1956) schematic, manual, Equalization Chart (contributed by Gary Galo)
McIntosh C-11 stereo preamp schematic
McIntosh C32 service manual.
McIntosh MC-240 power amp schematic
McIntosh MC-275 power amp schematic, voltage & resistance chart
McIntosh MC-30 power amplifier manual (inc. schematic) p.1, p.2, p.3, p.4, p.5, p.6
McIntosh MC-40 power amp schematic
McIntosh MC-45 power amp schematic
McIntosh MC-60 power amp schematic, voltage & resistance chart
McIntosh MR-55A AM/FM tuner instruction manual and alignment manual
McIntosh MR-65B FM stereo tuner schematic
McIntosh MR-67 FM stereo tuner schematic
MFA 120 amplifier schematic p.1, p.2
J.W. Miller 565/595 Hi-Fi Crystal Tuner information & schematic
Nakamichi 680ZX service manual.
Nakamichi CD player 4 service manual.
National Horizon 5 preamp schematic
National Horizon 20 power amp schematicPhilips 2853R power amplifier schematic
Philips A5X83A AM/FM tuner manual w/schematic (nl)
Philips AG9015 stereo power amplifier manual w/schematic (nl)
Pilot AA-420 integrated amplifier schematic
Pilot AA-902A power amplifier schematic
Pilot 100 FM multiplex adapter schematic
Pilot FA-690 FM tuner schematic p.1, p. 2
Pioneer SA-9900 service manual.
Pioneer SX-1250 exploded view.
Pioneer SX-1250 schematics.
Pioneer SX-1250 supplemental service info.
Pioneer SX-1250 service manual.
Pioneer SX-3800 schematics.
Pioneer SX-3800 additional info.
Pioneer SX-3800 service manual.
Pioneer SX-424 service manual.
Pioneer SX-110 schematic
Quad II power amplifier schematic
Quad 22 preamp schematicQuad AM2 AM tuner schematic
Quad FM16 FM tuner schematic
Quad-R AM tuner schematic, component layout
Radford STA-15 amplifier schematic
Radford STA-25 stereo amplifier schematic
Radford STA-25 Renaissance stereo amplifier schematic
Radford STA-100 stereo power amplifier schematic
Radio Craftsmen RC-10 FM/AM tuner service info w/schematic
Radio Craftsmen "Solitare" integrated amplifier schematic
Radio Craftsmen "Stradivarius" AM/FM receiver manual w/schematic
R.E.L. 646-C "Precedent" FM tuner schematic
Revox 20W P-P EL34 amplifier schematic
Sansui 8080db / 9090db service manual.
Sansui 1000A stereo receiver schematic
Sansui TU-70 AM/FM stereo tuner schematic
Sennheiser VKS-203 stereo amplifier schematic
Sherwood S-3000 FM tuner manual w/schematic
Sherwood S-5000 stereo amplifier schematic
Shure M60 preamplifier (tube) manual w/schematic
Shure M61 preamplifier family (transistor) manual w/schematic
Shure M65 phono preamp (tube) manual w/schematic
Sonocraft ASC-2 FM tuner schematic
Sony STR-DA333ES / STR-DA555ES schematics.
Sony STR-DA333ES / STR-DA555ES service manual.
Stromberg-Carlson AP-80 amplifier schematic
Tannoy HF/100/20L & HF/200/20L amplifier schematic

Telewatt VS 35 stereo amplifier schematic
Vieta A-225 stereo integrated amplifier schematic
Voice of Music 8810 amplifier schematic