Friday, May 9, 2014

The Telecommunication Oligopoly, FCC, Antitrust and Net Neutrality in general

The Telecommunication Oligopoly, FCC, Antitrust and Net Neutrality.

Comprehensive info on the "Net Neutrality" issue.

For anyone who communicates through high-bandwidth media, the FCC’s proposal would be very bad.

Video script and better formatted version of the links below can be found on the blog:

Politicians love when you personally contact them! It is a fact. 
List of FCC commissioners and their twitters, emails, blogs, instagrams, etc:

Don't know how to contact your representative? 
Find out who they are and let them know you're watching them!

Comment form for proceeding 14-28 "Protecting and Promoting the Open Internet"

Comment form for proceeding 14-57 "Applications of Comcast Corporation and Time Warner Cable Inc. for Consent to Assign or Transfer Control of Licenses and Applications"

The above proceeding has 

List of all proceedings available for comment:

General "open internet" FCC inbox: petition for net neutrality in general: petition for reclassifying broadband as common carrier, specifically:

Once you have a account, you can sign petitions about all sorts of things you care about! 

There's a rally in Washington DC on May 15 2014 if you're around:

Learn more about all this stuff:

Court case ruling cable internet as an "information service" rather than "telecommunications service":
Communications act of 1934, describing common carriers under title II:
Telecommunications act of 1996, including Title V, the CDA:
Communications Decency Act, part of the Telecommunications act of 1996, which protected ISPs from liability:

The FCC's Open Internet Order 2010:
Verizon had the above overturned in 2014 as not applying to non-common carriers:

A couple other attempts at net neutrality things:

Data on internet speed from study "The Cost of Connectivity":

Terms to know
Antitrust law:
Common carrier:
Game theory:
Net neutrality:

Also see these other videos on the topic:
Extra Credits:
Hank Green:

Thankyou Emily Eifler and Christopher Hart for their advice!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

McIntosh MC402

McIntosh MC402

McIntosh MC402

If you are looking for a high power amplifier that combines the power and lush sound of many of the finest amps available at any price, look no further. Continuing the McIntosh tradition of innovation and exceptional performance, The McIntosh MC402 delivers absolute transparency and musical accuracy.
Winner of "The Absolute Sound Editor's Choice Award" 2005. 
From the MacIntosh web site: 
"New quad-differential design cancels virtually all distortion and consists of four complete amplifier circuits, each a mirror image of the other, whose outputs are combined in the unique McIntosh made autoformers, delivering absolute transparency and musical accuracy into loads of 2, 4, or 8 ohms. A new three dimensional glass faceplate design adds elegance while the illuminated peak-responding meters show the true output regardless of load. "

This amp has a very natural sound. Very round and full, with effortless crescendos. The bass is deep and powerful - you can feel it. Sonically accurate and natural is what impresses me the most. The best part is the imaging. Wherever the soloist is, you can close your eyes and hear exactly where they are! This amp images better than anything else I have ever heard. Truly excellent sound stage. 

The MacIntosh MC402 has multiple protection circuits, including the exclusive McIntosh Power Assurance System, thermal sensors, and turn-on delay circuits. Most other amps are overheating themselves to an early retirement. This amp runs extremely cool. 

If you want an amplifier that will last a long time, this will do the job for decades to come. The build quality is state of the art. Inspecting the inside, it resembles military and NASA grade equipment. It's not hard to imagine that this amplifier will outlive me. 

The MC402 delivers 400 Watts per channel in stereo or 800 Watts in mono into 2, 4, or 8-Ohm loads.
Its extraordinary quad-differential design consists of four complete amplifier circuits, whose outputs are combined in the unique McIntosh-crafted autoformers.
The classic glass faceplate and the Fiber-Optic illuminated peak-responding meters adds elegance to any home theater installation.

This was given The Absolute Sound Editor's Choice Award 2005.

Fully Balanced Differential Design
Exclusive McIntosh Output Autoformer
Illuminated Peak-Responding meters
Balanced Connections
Remote Power Control
DC Failure Protection
Power Guard 
Clipping Protection
Sentry Monitor  
Current Protection